LMR SAS is JV company with Gécamines SA in DRC with the objective of prospecting, research, development, mining of concessions and marketing, commercialisation of minerals and minerals products derived from its operations.
LMR SAS may also participate in any kind of activity related directly or indirectly to its corporate purpose and can contribute to increasing the wealth and interests of the stakeholders.
To harness natural resources responsibly and sustainably, fostering economic prosperity, environmental stewardship, climate change and equitable social progress for the benefit of all stakeholders.
Occupational health and safety are paramount with the goal of zero accidents in our organization. Our safety department is playing a strong preventive role throughout the year by conducting monitoring and awareness-raising visits on the ground and ensuring strict compliance with good working conditions, in particular as regards operating procedures and the wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
At all times, LMR SAS strives to demonstrate its respect for social responsibility. As part of CSR, LMR SAS has taken some of very important voluntary actions to improve the living conditions of its local communities such as: